CAMTC #73114
Angela completed her studies in Holistic Health Education through the graduate program at John F. Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill, CA. After receiving her MA she was hired to be the Administrative Director for the Ford Institute of Integrative Coaching at John F. Kennedy University. That position led to an operations position with the University of California, Berkeley Women’s Basketball team. While holding these and other administrative positions, she found ways to stay connected to her holistic health leanings.Offering sound vibrations through various drum and wind instruments for yoga classes, retreats and workshops was one of those ways.Continuing her education in Reiki up through Reiki III was another. Her love of movement and desire to help people stay active eventually led her to massage therapy school in Asheville, NC. Through advanced courses in deep tissue, myofascial release, Original Strength, Ortho-Bionomy and more, she intends to help people feel freedom in their bodies.
Deep tissue, myofascial release, Original Strength, Ortho-Bionomy and more.